Plants That In Disturb This, It Has Health Benefits
Plants That In Disturb This, It Has Health Benefits
Benalu is a kind of parasite plant that grows on other plants. This makes the parasite as a plant that does not require conventional planting media such as soil or compost. Simply by growing attached to the mango plants, apples or plants with other wood trees are able to meet the nutritional needs of parasite plants.
We often mistaken for this one plant. The parasite is considered a pest that absorbs nutrients and actually kills its host plants. But did you know that it turns out a plant with the Latin name Macrosolen cochinchinensis can be beneficial to our health? Yes, some research that this plant can cure various diseases that attack our body. Even in China, this plant has long since been used as an herbal medicine to cope with various diseases.
If so, what are the benefits of this parasite plant?
1. Treat Cancer
In Europe, parasitic plants, especially the leaves, which have been widely studied to be used as a drug in the therapeutic treatment of cancer deadly disease. Inside the parasite leaf is a variety of substances that can help treat this dangerous disease.
2. Treating Epilepsy
Since the 16th century, Europeans use parasitic plants as a powerful herbal remedy to treat neurological disorders such as epilepsy. In a person suffering from epilepsy, he tends to have difficulty to control his own body and use the benefits of parasitic leaves believed to be very powerful to overcome this one health disorder.
3. Overcoming Sleep Snoring
Snoring may not be felt for the sufferer, but it will be very disturbing for the couple. Even further research to prove if snoring is one sign of serious illness in the body. To fix this, you can consume the benefits of parasitic leaves. Can be used as tea drinks and consumed regularly for maximum results.
4. Lowering Blood Pressure
Blood pressure can be a source of many other dangerous diseases. Diseases such as stroke or heart disease can be sourced from high blood pressure. Overcome high blood pressure with parasite leaves.
Who would have thought, plants that are considered disturbing has health benefits.
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