
Showing posts from October, 2017

Drinking warm water in the morning is healthy

Have you been drinking warm water? Most people choose to drink cold water immediately after waking up thinking if this will make the eyes no longer drowsy. In fact, it's good we just consume warm water in the morning because it can provide healthy benefits such as the following. Prevent premature aging Drinking warm water can help the body get rid of the various toxins that accumulate. Not only that, warm water can also improve the cells in the body that greatly affect the elasticity of our skin. This certainly has a major effect on skin health. Lose weight By drinking warm water, the body's metabolic system increases significantly and affects the body in burning more calories. If we regularly drink warm water mixed with lemon every morning, then the body's ability to break adipose tissue or fat tissue increases as well as make us able to resist the desire to eat with excessive. Nourish the digestive tract Drinking warm water in the morning will help

The secret of cherry fruit

Did you know about the tiny cherry fruit, which provides tremendous benefits.       Cherry tree / talok Most people are unfamiliar with this fruit because it is not well known like strawberries, blueberries or cherry. This fruit has the Latin name Muntingia calabura. In our country is known as the fruit of Kersen or Talok. If it is ripe red and sweet taste. Consider below the benefits of fruit, leaves and flowers Kersen tree is believed to be a natural health medicine. Cucumber leaves and fruits 1.Natural antibiotics One of the major problems today is that many types of bacteria become resistant to antibiotics due to frequent use. As a result some bacteria grow stronger and harder to be eradicated. Coriander / Talok can be eaten and the leaves are boiled to be drunk as natural antibiotics. 2.The content of vitamin C is enough Based on research conducted, one hundred grams of Kersen / Talok is equivalent to 150 mg of vitamin C. Thus can prevent flu and cold

Usefulness of tea

Usefulness of drinking tea Dry tea leaves There are many types of tea that you can enjoy. However, any kind of tea, enjoy a drink that this one clearly provides many health benefits. Anything? Check out more. Antioxidants Tea contains antioxidants in the form of polyphenols that reduce the risk of skin cancer, ovaries, and stomach. You just enjoy it a cup every day. Slim Tea, especially the type of green tea, has properties against the absorption of fat into the body. Because drinking tea will speed up digestion and increase metabolism. But do not mix tea with milk, because the efficacy will disappear and you fail to lose weight. Tooth Unlike coffee, tea will not contaminate your teeth when you drink it. Tea also has fluoride that strengthens tooth enamel. But do not add milk or sugar to tea if you do not want to remove fluoride in it. Immune system Drinking tea every day will help you boost your immune system. So a feverish illness will not come

Plants poke

Benefits of Medicinal Plants Sembukan Punch leaves Benefits of Paederia (Paederia scandens) as a traditional medicine is obvious. However, efficacy as antidote to detoxification (detoxification) not many know. This herb protects the liver from toxic substances such as organic phosphorus found in agricultural products. It also increases the decreased white blood cell (Leukopenia) due to radiation therapy. Medicinal plants are easily available. He used to grow wild in open fields, shrubs, or on river cliffs ranging from 1 - 2100 m above sea level. Herba creepers are often planted in the fence of the house. Because the leaves smell foul when dirtemas, Sumatran people call it fart leaves, called kahitutan by the Sundanese, or the cemberah by the Javanese. Other regional names are bintaos (madura), gumi siki (ternate, ji shi teng (china), and traded under the name chinese fevervine herb. hurricane creeping plants This herb is an annual trunked herb, 3 - 5 meters

leaves of grass jelly rich benefits

Leaves of grass jelly rich benefits grass jelly Green can be one drink release thirst refreshing in the afternoon. ice grass jelly Green usually given additional the coconut milk and fluid Brown sugar so it's sweet and fresh. in addition to be able to release the thirst during the day, grass jelly Green have a variety of the benefits of a good health. grass jelly own made of leaves of grass jelly Green. plants grass jelly is vines with leaves containing carbohydrates. so if mixed with water the content of a kind of carbohydrate the absorbing fluid. the result will gelatinous. some of the benefits of grass jelly Green include: 1. Natural antioxidant grass jelly containing chlorophyll can pervasive easily into the flow of the body. chlorophyll incoming can Ward free radicals. free radicals own can trigger a variety of issues. free radicals can take elektrol so happens mutations in the structure of the DNA the human body. mutation structure of the DNA this can cause c

Benefits of ginger for the health of the body

Benefits of ginger for the health of the body Ginger has a chemical compound that is believed to have positive effects in the stomach and intestines. Not only that, this compound may be able to reduce the feeling of nausea by giving effect in the brain and nervous system.   Here are some conditions that may be effective if overcome by eating ginger Dizzy.  This condition makes you feel like a spin (vertigo) or head feels light (lightheadedness). It can also feel like losing balance or feeling floating. Ginger allegedly can relieve dizziness by stimulating blood flow to the brain. In addition ginger is believed to relieve nausea. Menstrual pain.  For women who often feel pain during menstruation, can try to consume ginger extract with dose four times a day for three days at the beginning of menstruation. Some studies show that eating ginger can help reduce symptoms of menstrual pain. Ginger efficacy seems to be equated with ibuprofen and mefenamic acid. Nausea and vomitin

Benefits of ciplukan fruit for health

Do you know what are the benefits of ciplukan fruit? Even just some time ago, this little fruit has a fantastic selling points in some Indonesian malls. Great right? You are born and grow in the 90s certainly not foreign alike ciplukan fruit. Yes, ciplukan for the children of the 90s in the villages is a natural fruit that can be obtained with free or free alias. Fruits with the name of Physalis angulata can be obtained free of charge in various places, especially in the garden or in the area of ​​rice fields. Even just some time ago, this little fruit has a fantastic selling points in some Indonesian malls. But not only that guys, it turns out the ciplukan also has incredible properties to cure various diseases. Anything? Well, here are 16 amazing benefits of ciplukan fruit. 1. Cures heart disease One of the benefits of ciplukan fruit is to treat heart problems. The way is quite easy, take 40 pieces of ciplukan leaves and smash with a blender like juice, then