Benefits of ginger for the health of the body

Benefits of ginger for the health of the body

Ginger has a chemical compound that is believed to have positive effects in the stomach and intestines. Not only that, this compound may be able to reduce the feeling of nausea by giving effect in the brain and nervous system.

Here are some conditions that may be effective if overcome by eating ginger
Dizzy. This condition makes you feel like a spin (vertigo) or head feels light (lightheadedness). It can also feel like losing balance or feeling floating. Ginger allegedly can relieve dizziness by stimulating blood flow to the brain. In addition ginger is believed to relieve nausea.
Menstrual pain. For women who often feel pain during menstruation, can try to consume ginger extract with dose four times a day for three days at the beginning of menstruation. Some studies show that eating ginger can help reduce symptoms of menstrual pain. Ginger efficacy seems to be equated with ibuprofen and mefenamic acid.
Nausea and vomiting after surgery. Eating ginger before surgery seems to reduce nausea and vomiting after surgery. Besides consumed by mouth, applying ginger oil on the wrist also seems to prevent nausea.

Side Effects of Ginger
It seems that ginger is safe for most people to eat, but there are minor side effects that can be caused, such as diarrhea, discomfort, and heartburn. If applied to the skin, this plant may cause irritation.
There are some circles who must be careful or should not eat ginger. They are pregnant and lactating mothers, diabetics, have bleeding disorders and liver organ.
In terms of medical benefits of ginger is not there that really proved effective. Even so, you can try to overcome the conditions mentioned above.


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