
Showing posts from 2017

Health Keeping Tips on New Year's Holidays

Health Keeping Tips on New Year's Holidays Finally, the holiday arrived. The whole family looked happy. Luggage was ready to be transported. But do not forget to keep health, yes. For the holidays stay comfortable and of course fun. For that, consider tips to stay healthy during the following holiday season. Any type of vehicle can cause motion sickness that is characterized by cold sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. When your family members are someone who likes motion sickness, the following tips: ●When boarding a ship, ask to sit in the cabin in the middle of the ship, near the waterline.  ● While on the boat, breathe in plenty of fresh air and do not read. ● When boarding a plane, ask to sit near the front edge of the wing. ● On the train, choose a window seat and face forward. ● In the car, sit beside the driver. ● Do not while reading. ● Keep your head against the back of the seat. ● Do not smoke or sit near people who smoke. ● Avoid spic

Be Careful If This Happens In Your Underarms

Be Careful If This Happens In Your Underarms Illustration: armpits A lump in the armpits can happen to anyone. The causes are also varied. But generally, a lump can appear in the armpit due to enlarged lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are part of the human body's defense system that works against infection. Is this dangerous? Actually no. However, for some cases, a lump in the armpit may be a sign of a serious problem. Here are the triggers you should know: Lump in the armpits 1. Bacterial infection Lumps of ulcers can be caused by a bacterial infection. For example, because you often scratch or pull the armpit hair so that bacteria enter through the pores of the hair follicle. 2. Abscess (pus hoarding) Lumps due to abscess will feel hot and accompanied by fever. It will usually feel pain if touched and requires treatment by a doctor. 3. Allergy The itchy lump can be caused by an allergic reaction to food or drugs. 4. Virus A lump in the armpit may presen

If You Have a Child, Be Careful Of The Following Things That Can Cause Childhood Disease

If You Have a Child, Be Careful Of The Following Things That Can Cause Childhood Disease Whitish is the fluid that comes out of the vagina besides the blood. Whitish not only occurs in adult women, but can also attack children. Whitish symptoms in children need to be wary. Normal vaginal fluid has characteristics such as clear white color, when attached to the garment in bright yellow, odorless, not hot, and itchy. Meanwhile, abnormal vaginal fluid has characteristics such as vaginal fluid has changed the color to white milk, gray to greenish, smelly, and there are other complaints such as itching and heat. No need to hesitate to invite children to talk about it, of course with a language that he understood or in accordance with his age. Causes of vaginal discharge in children The cause of vaginal discharge in children can be from within the body or from outside the body. The cause of the body is caused by: The location of the pubic hole in infants and children

Who Does Not Like Honey, Here Is A Benefit If We Consume Honey Every Day

Who Does Not Like Honey, Here Is A Benefit If We Consume Honey Every Day Many people would love sweetness. However, sometimes many avoid it because of its nature that can lead to bad health. However, honey, viscous liquids similar to syrup are inversely proportional. Here are the things that will happen if you consume honey every day. 1.  Sleep well Like sugar in general, honey can increase insulin levels in the blood which then releases serotonin. Then, serotonin will turn into melatonin, a hormone that can make better sleep quality. 2. Better memory A study shows that honey is able to fight stress, restore the antioxidant defense system and of course, instead, it can improve memory. Meanwhile, the calcium contained in honey is easy to digest and receive the brain, so its function can be more optimal. 3. Cleaner skin Honey is a very good antioxidant, that means, if you regularly consume honey, then your body will be free from various toxins. In addition, a

Who Will Think Plants It Has Many Benefits

Who Will Think Plants It Has Many Benefits Benefits of leaf binahong is very important to know because it can help in the healing of some diseases or to maintain a healthy body. Previously let first know what it leaves binahong. Perhaps the common people are not too familiar with the name but will be more familiar if it has seen the shape of the plant. Binahong leaf is a plant that usually creeps on walls or fences, in Indonesia alone this plant is commonly called Gondola. Leaf shape at a glance resembles a betel leaf but slightly thicker. Leaves binahong included in the family Basellaceae and has 2 types of variation of Basella Rubr the color of bone leaves and stems red and Basella Alba the color of dark green leaves. This plant is also called Heartleaf Maderavine Madevine in English. This plant comes from several countries. As in Korea, binahong leaves can be found easily in the ginseng country and it is also used as a medicinal ingredient from ancient times. In China ther

Importance of Pare For Cholesterol Patients

Importance of Pare For Cholesterol Patients For those of you snacks like siomay would know with this type of vegetables, namely pare or peria. Pare is one type of vegetable belonging to the group of vines and originating from the Tropical Asia region especially in parts of Western India such as Assam and Burma. Pare is also one of the vegetable species that belong to the tribe of labuan. Besides commonly called by the name of peria, pare also has many other names in various regions in Indonesia such as pepareh, kambeh, fori, and many more. Content of Pare Nutrition And for those of you who do not know this type of vegetables, pare has its own characteristics seen from the shape of the plant until the fruit. In general, pare plants grow vines with spiral form of spiral and as for the characteristics of the different pare with vegetables in general. Pare has a shape that is almost similar to cucumbers but has a rather long size with a pointed tip. Not only that, the pare has

Apparently Interacting With Open Nature Reduces Stress

Apparently Interacting With Open Nature Reduces Stress When bored, some of us choose to spend time at home, whether it's watching, playing games, or sleeping. Although fun, these three things can have an impact on health conditions. If you feel bored, try to spend time outdoors, such as gardening or just a walking path. Science says that spending time in the open has many health benefits. Anything? Check out his review: 1. Interaction with nature can reduce stress Stress is known to trigger or worsen the disease. So the more time you spend in the open, the healthier you will be. Studies say that activities such as gardening can reduce cortisol levels and improve health. 2. Improve mental health Studies say that spending time in open space can also improve mood, self esteem, and general psychological health. Experience with nature can also overcome the anxiety and depression commonly experienced by individuals who live in densely populated cities.   Improve inte

Knowing The Signs Of Hemophilia In Children

Knowing The Signs Of Hemophilia In Children Hemophilia is a rare genetic disease that affects the ability of blood clots. Hemophilia can cause bleeding to occur long enough after an injury. Bleeding that occurs in the body, especially on the knees, ankles, and elbows, can affect the organs and tissues of the body. Until now, there has been no treatment that can fully cure this condition. However, through proper management and home care, most individuals with hemophilia can live an active and productive lifestyle. Signs and symptoms of hemophilia may vary, depending on the ability of freezing in the body. When the freezing ability is only slightly decreased, continuous bleeding generally occurs only after certain injuries or surgical procedures. If the reduction is severe enough, the individual may experience spontaneous bleeding. The signs and symptoms of spontaneous bleeding include: Bleeding from injury and injury is excessive and has no specific cause, or after

Who Suggest Music Influential In Health

Who Suggest Music Influential In Health Music is often associated with mood. Certain songs can make us feel happy, sad, energetic, or relaxed. That's because music can affect the mindset and well-being of a person. And music is also used for the therapy of various health conditions. All types of music may have therapeutic effects. In Chinese medical theory, the five internal organs and meridian systems are believed to have an appropriate musical tone, which is used to encourage healing. Here are five other conditions that can be treated with music: 1. Autism Autism is a brain disorder associated with various developmental problems, especially in communication and social interaction. This disorder is characterized by communication problems, social interactions, as well as unusual recurring behavior. Some professionals use the term pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), to describe autism. In addition to autism, there are four other abnormalities that qualify as a

For those of you who have trouble sleeping at night, try some of these foods

For those of you who have trouble sleeping at night, try some of these foods  For those who are difficult to sleep, certainly feels very disturbing. Moreover, the habit took place in the duration of long, until bermingu-weeks. In fact, the next day must wake up with a fit condition. Then how to solve it? Some of the foods and drinks that are considered can help overcome the trouble of sleeplessness: 1. Pumpkin seeds Pumpkin seeds have a very useful magnesium, in which magnesium works to relax muscles and is often used to help relieve aches and pains. Pumpkin seeds are naturally high in magnesium. One role of magnesium allows muscle fibers in our body to relax, this neutralizes the calcium that causes the muscles to contract. It also allows magnesium to have a role in the normal functioning of the pineal gland that produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and helps us to fall asleep.  2. Coconut water Coconut water becomes a great alte

Here are 4 Types of Tea To Eliminate Acne From Your Face

Here are 4 Types of Tea To Eliminate Acne From Your Face To get a smooth and acne-free skin you do not always have to rely on medications or ointments. No matter how often you apply benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin to acne areas, you need intake from the inside to help the skin clean again. Intake to get rid of acne not only depends on food, but also drinks. Especially tea. The following four types of tea can help maintain skin smoothness and hygiene: 1. Spearmint Tea Spearmint tea is included in the mint tea family, but it is not the same as peppermint tea. Spearmint tea is preferred because of its taste, smell, and healthy content. One is the antiandrogenic effect. Excess androgen in the body, such as testosterone, is one cause of acne. By inserting spearmint tea on a regular basis, acne caused by hormones will decrease. 2. Green tea Green tea is a super tea. Its rich antioxidant content makes green tea has antimicrobial qualities. Getting green tea 2-3 times a da

Knowing the Health Conditions of the Nails

Knowing the Health Conditions of the Nails If you want to know about your own overall body health, pay attention to your nails. Nails are a very good reflection of body health. Conditions that occur in the nails can indicate health conditions, such as skin health problems. Watch for any marks on or around the fingernails or toenails. Stress Fingernails and toes are closely related to hair. Similar to hair, which may fall out due to prolonged stress, the nails can also show symptoms of stress. The most frequent sign of stress from the nail causes the transverse lines that appear on the nail. Moles or melanomas Concerns about the color of the nail is one of the most heard complaints of patients. Color changes usually appear in the form of lines formed from the cuticle (the skin is white and hard, which is on the edge of the nail). You should consult a dermatologist if the skin on the hard part of the nail changes color to a brown color. The brown line that enters t