Plants poke
Benefits of Medicinal Plants Sembukan
Benefits of Paederia (Paederia scandens) as a traditional medicine is obvious. However, efficacy as antidote to detoxification (detoxification) not many know. This herb protects the liver from toxic substances such as organic phosphorus found in agricultural products. It also increases the decreased white blood cell (Leukopenia) due to radiation therapy.
Medicinal plants are easily available. He used to grow wild in open fields, shrubs, or on river cliffs ranging from 1 - 2100 m above sea level. Herba creepers are often planted in the fence of the house. Because the leaves smell foul when dirtemas, Sumatran people call it fart leaves, called kahitutan by the Sundanese, or the cemberah by the Javanese. Other regional names are bintaos (madura), gumi siki (ternate, ji shi teng (china), and traded under the name chinese fevervine herb.

hurricane creeping plants
This herb is an annual trunked herb, 3 - 5 meters long, woody base leaves, single leaf, stemmed 1-5 cm and arranged face to face. The shape of the leaves ovate to lanceolate, round base, pointed tip with a length of 3 - 12.5 cm and width 2 - 7 cm. The top surface of the leaves is hairy or bare with pinnate bones.
The flowers are compounded, coming out of the leaf's armpits or branching tips. Crown flowers are white, with purple tube, round fruit, shiny yellow color, diameter 4-6 mm. Leaves can be eaten as a vegetable or vegetable.
Anti Poison
Anti Poison
The chemical content of this herb, asperuloside, deasetilasperuloside, paederoside, scanderoside, paederosidik acid, and arbutin. It also contains gamma sitosterol, oleanolic acid and essential oils.
Leaf Flavor is sweet, sour, and has affinity to the spleen, stomach, lung, and liver meridians. More surgery strengthens the stomach and improves digestive function. It also has an analgesic effect, carminative, diuretic, mucolytics, stomatics, expectorants (coughing), antipyretics (antifreeze), antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-poison, and blood flow and flow of vital energy.
Leaf Flavor is sweet, sour, and has affinity to the spleen, stomach, lung, and liver meridians. More surgery strengthens the stomach and improves digestive function. It also has an analgesic effect, carminative, diuretic, mucolytics, stomatics, expectorants (coughing), antipyretics (antifreeze), antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, anti-poison, and blood flow and flow of vital energy.
Meanwhile, according to Ir.WPWinarto on his book "Medicinal Plants Indonesia For Herbal Medicine", Sembukan has pharmacological effects as: analgesic (pain relief), carminative (peluruh fart), diuretik (peluruh urine), appetite enhancer, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory , cough medicine, worm medicine, eliminating toxins (detoxification), and sputum sputum (mucolitik).
for the usage of everyday, leaves sembukan indicated to add appetite. in addition sembukan used as a traditional medicine to cope with bloating, malnutrition in infants due indigestion, and overcome the pain due blockage vital energy and blood flow. effects analgetiknya efficacious overcome the pain post oprasi, pain due organs content, pain nerve, rheumatism, knock broken tulsang, sprains, or pain due colic in the gut, bile and kidney.
patients radiation therapy cancer should drink stew medicinal plants this traditional. goal, so that White blood cell count (leukocyte) not decrease.
herbs this can be used as a drug outside and consumed. to remedy the outside, medicinal plants sembukan menyembhkan wound, ulcers, ulcers, asbestos, former insect bites, and poisonous snakes. way, Wash rods and fresh leaves ago milled smooth then diborehkan wound.
for a drink, take a total of 15 - 60 grams of rods and dried leaves, then simmered with 3 glasses of water to the remaining around half. after cold filtered and directly in drinking at once. dregs should stewed once again to drink the afternoon. water rebusannya can also be used to Wash injuries or eczema. However drink stew herbaceous this will cause the smell of typical on the Eve of breath and urine wearer.
other uses are as follows:
1. for flatulence, seizures (colic) gallbladder and digestive
2. for bronchitis, cough(whooping cough)
3. for rheumatism, wound due to clash, sprains
4. traditional medicine for White blood reduced (leukopenia) due to radiation
5. traditional medicine for poisoning
recipe ingredients traditional by using the leaves sembukan are:
sembukan 15-60 grams rods and dried leaves boiled with 3 glasses of water to the remaining about 1 1/2 cups. lift and filter.
dosage: drinking stew Herb 3 times a day each 1/2 Cup.
thus the information that can be in for about medicinal plants sembukan, hopefully useful.
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