This Simple Habit Makes Your Skin Fixed Clean and beautiful

This Simple Habit Makes Your Skin Fixed Clean and beautiful

Everyone definitely wants a clean facial skin instead. Not only clean, but also avoid the wrinkles and black spots on the face. This is widely experienced by everyone, not just women but men also experience the same thing.

Usually to treat facial skin, you have to spend a lot of money. For example, to the beauty salon or to the spa is certainly expensive. Well, here are tips on caring for your skin to keep it clean white just premises simple habits. Check out more below:

1. Diligently cleans the face

The key to a bright skin is routine care and keeping your face clean. Dead skin cells that accumulate on the face can cause skin look dull. Perform peels 2-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells.

2. Use a moisturizer

Do not forget to use facial moisturizer, because the skin is moist and healthy to prevent the formation of dead skin cell pile. In addition, regular use of facial moisturizer can also inhibit signs of aging of the skin.

3. Do not often exposed to sunlight

Exposure to direct sunlight can harm the skin. Ultraviolet light can trigger the formation of melanin which is the cause of the skin becomes dark. Not only that, sunlight between the hours of 11 to 2 noon can also cause serious skin problems such as skin cancer. Always use sunscreen or sunblock when outdoor activities.

4. Consumption of sufficient water

You need to know that white water is one factor that can care for skin beauty. Diligently drinking 8 glasses of water a day can help remove toxins from the body and make skin look more healthy and fresh.

5. Get enough rest and less stay up

The body needs at least 7 - 8 hours a day to rest and restore its function to its full potential. Avoid sleeping too late or staying up late because it can disrupt the system in the body that result in dull skin.

6. Avoid Stress

Stress is one of the factors causing dull skin. If you are too busy to work there is no harm for a moment to refreshing and re-circulate your blood circulation. Smooth blood circulation can make skin look brighter glow.

7. Diligently exercise regularly

Routine physical activity, especially exercise can help the circulation of oxygen throughout the body, especially on the skin. Do mild exercise such as jogging or walking in the morning for 15 minutes a day or at least 3 times a week.

8. Avoid using bleaching from chemicals

Bleaching or exfoliation is effective to quickly brighten the face, but ammonia and other chemicals contained therein can damage the skin and cause cancer. Not only that, the use of excessive bleaching will actually make the skin becomes darker than before.
Bleaching made from natural ingredients will make our skin bright with no side effects even though it takes time and effort to get it.
So how to whiten face using natural ingredients that proved effective when done regularly and diligently. good luck.


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