To Overcome Stomach Problems And Sprains, You Can Use These Plants

To Overcome Stomach Problems And Sprains, You Can Use These Plants

Kencur is one type of medicinal plant that has been known for a long time because it has many health benefits, in addition to its use commonly used for food. Therefore, in this article will discuss about the benefits of kencur for health.
In general, kencur is often used as a sore throat medicine. Besides that, kencur is also useful to relieve colds, relieve sprained legs, treat heartburn, maintain body health to stay fit, relieve diarrhea, pain relievers, relieve headaches, as well as a source of good antioxidants and fiber.
To get these benefits, usually people will process them into beverages or commonly you know as herbal rice kencur.

Here are the benefits of kencur for health:

1. Relieves Stomach Bloating and Wind Entrance
Benefits of kencur can be a natural warmer for the body. Therefore, kencur can be used to overcome flatulence and colds. To fix this, you can a concoction made of juice of grated kencur plus salt and warm water. Drink the concoction for two times a day.
2. Relieving Dislocated or Sprained Feet
Kencur also serves to treat sprained or dislocated legs. This is because kencur can serve as a natural warmer that is able to relax the muscles and tendons are tense due to sprain or sprains.
3. As a Coughing Phlegm
The content contained in the kencur is able to thin the phlegm so as to make the respiratory tract becomes more relieved. To get the benefits of kencur as a cough with phlegm, you can make a concoction made from grated kencur mixed with a glass of warm water, then filtered. You can add a little salt and drink for two times a day.
4. Overcoming Sore Throat
Associated with cough medicine, this medicinal plant can also help overcome a sore throat. Herbs made from warm kencur can create relief of the respiratory tract, including by treating a sore throat.
5. Treating ulcer pain
Kencur properties can also be used to treat heartburn. As you know, ulcers can interfere with your activity when this pain strikes. To overcome and prevent ulcer, you can make a concoction made from grated kencur to obtain a healthier stomach conditions, so avoid heartburn.
6. Make Your Body Be Fitter
In order for you to live daily activities smoothly, you need to maintain your body health in various ways. One of them is by consuming kencur, which can be a natural alternative to maintain your body stamina.
7. Relieves Diarrhea
Diarrhea is one type of disease characterized by frequent frequency of bowel movements. It is certainly very inconvenient when you are required to perform a job. To fix this, you can make potions or herbs made from kencur.
8. As Pain Relievers
One of the medicinal plants called kencur contains minyat atsiri that can be used as a painkiller. In addition, the stiffness that you feel can also be reduced when you consume them regularly.
9. Relieves Headaches
Benefits kencur the next that can be used to relieve headaches when consumed regularly. This is because kencur contains a compound that can work to relieve pain in the head or headache.
10. Source Antioxidants
Kencur contains antioxidants that can help keep your body healthy as a whole. As is well known, antioxidants can help counteract free radicals that can lead to the emergence of tumors and cancer, as well as various other dangerous diseases.
Through this article, it can be seen that kencur plants have many benefits, especially kencur benefits for health discussed this time. Hopefully it can be useful to increase your knowledge.


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