Who Says Brain Does Not Need Food? Here are Some Foods For Your Brain

Who Says Brain Does Not Need Food? Here are Some Foods For Your Brain

Undeniably, the more age, the body will show changes significantly, both in appearance and memory. Well, to avoid the decline in concentration power, especially for students, it is better to apply several ways to stay focused. It turns out there is food for the brain that can keep us concentrated.

Here are foods that can keep us concentrated:

1. Ginseng, Fish, Berries, or Caffeine?
Surely you've heard a rumor about diet and dietary supplements, and you'll believe they can do everything from sharpening focus to improving memory, attention span, and brain function.
But do they really work? It can not be denied that as we age, our bodies will age and decrease memory. The good news is you can increase your chances of maintaining brain health if you add smart foods and drinks to your diet.
2. Caffeine can make you more alert
There is no magic bullet to increase your IQ or make you smarter, but certain substances, like caffeine, can energize you and help you concentrate. That you can find in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, and some drugs. Caffeine gives you a nice, undoubted benefit, though the effect is short-term. But if excessive caffeine will make you restless and uncomfortable.
3. Sugar can increase alertness
Sugar is the preferred fuel source of your brain, not the kitchen sugar, but the glucose that your body processes from the sugars and carbohydrates you eat. That is why a glass of fruit juice can improve memory, thought, and mental ability. But, if too much, memory can be disrupted. Avoid extra sugar, because it can increase the risk of heart disease and other conditions.
4. Eat breakfast to fuel your brain
Tempted to skip breakfast? Studies have found that breakfast can improve short-term memory and attention. Students who do not skip breakfast tend to be better than those who do not. Food as a brain fuel according to the researcher that contains high fiber such as grains, milk, and fruits. But do not eat too much. Researchers also found that high-calorie breakfasts may inhibit concentration.
5. Fish is really brain food
Protein sources associated with a powerful brain impulse are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are key to brain health. This healthy fats have amazing brain power. Higher-level diets have a lower risk of dementia and stroke and a slower mental decline. In addition, they may play an important role in improving memory, especially as we get older. For brain and heart health, eat two servings of fish every week.
6. Add a daily dose of nuts and chocolate
Nuts and seeds are a good source of antioxidant vitamin E, which has been linked in several studies to cognitive decline with age. Black chocolate also has other powerful antioxidant properties, and it contains natural stimulants like caffeine, which can increase focus.

7. Add the avocado and whole grains
Every organ in the body depends on the blood flow, especially the heart and brain. High-grain diet and fruits such as avocado can reduce the risk of heart disease and lower bad cholesterol. This reduces the risk of plaque buildup and improves blood flow, offering a simple and tasty way to activate brain cells.
Whole grains, such as popcorn and whole grains, also contribute dietary fiber and vitamin E. Although avocados have fat, monounsaturated good fats can help in healthy blood flow.

8. Blueberry fruit is super nutritious
Animal studies have shown that blueberries can help protect the brain from damage caused by free radicals and can reduce the impact of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Studies have also shown that blueberry-rich foods improve the learning and muscle function of rats against aging, making it mentally similar to the much younger rats.
9. Benefits of a healthy diet
This may sound stale but it is true. If your diet does not contain essential nutrients, you can hurt your ability to concentrate. Eating too much or too little can also disrupt your focus. Heavy foods can make you feel tired, while too few calories can cause an annoying hunger. Take advantage of your brain by seeking a balanced diet with a variety of healthy foods.
10. Vitamins, minerals, and supplements?
Surely you've found on a health store shelf that explains that supplements can improve health. Despite numerous reports on the strength of brain enhancer supplements such as vitamin B, C, E, beta-carotene, and magnesium are promising, but supplements are only useful for people whose diets lack specific nutrients.
Some researchers are cautiously optimistic about the combination of ginseng, ginkgo, and vitamins, minerals, and herbs and their effects on the brain, but there is still plenty of evidence still needed.
11. Be prepared for the big day
Want to improve your ability to concentrate? Start with a 100% fruit juice dish, whole bagel bread with salmon, and a cup of coffee. In addition to eating a balanced diet, experts also offer this advice; sleeping well, staying hydrated, exercising helps sharpen thinking, and meditate to think clearly and relax.
So, are you ready to apply tips to improve your brain power with these steps? If not, choose some of them. Please try.


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