Want To Have Healthy Eyes, Try With These Vegetables

Want To Have Healthy Eyes, Try With These Vegetables

Cucumber is one type of vegetable that is known to have many benefits. This is because cucumber contains sugar, carbohydrates, fiber and various other vitamins that are beneficial to health.
Usually cucumber is used as a complement of vegetables or can be made as fresh vegetables. But that's not just the efficacy of cucumber, because cucumber is also beneficial for eye health.
The eyes themselves are a vital part of the face. Not only as a means of sense of sight only. But the eyes can also support the appearance. For it to maintain eye health is very important to note.
Well here are 3 eye benefits for eye health:
1. Prevents eye irritation

When bitten by an insect or an allergy to a product, a cucumber can be used to cure it. This is because cucumbers contain vitamin C that plays an active role as an antioxidant. These antioxidants work to prevent eye irritation.

The way itself is quite easy and very practical. Namely by compressing the eyes with cotton soaked in cucumber juice regularly or until the eyes heal again.
2. Overcoming swollen eyes

Eyes can also be swollen. Especially when someone is crying or too often dikucek. With a puffy eye can cause a lack of confidence in a person look. Well to overcome it can use a cucumber.
The trick is also easy, just by mengompreskan cucumber in the swollen eye on a regular basis.
3. Prevents wrinkles under the eyes

Wrinkles are one of the signs of aging. Premature aging is a serious problem on the face of women. Usually these wrinkles begin under the eyes. Well cucumber can be a solution to overcome premature aging. Because in the cucumber contain vitamin E and potassium. The content can be used as a treatment to delay aging, reduce wrinkles and black spots on the face.
The trick is also quite easy, namely with a cucumber scar and apply directly on the eyes. Do it regularly to get maximum results.
Well that's 3 benefits of cucumber for eye health that is not widely known. Hopefully useful and good luck.


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