The Wild Plant That Turns Saving Many Health Benefits

The Wild Plant That Turns Saving Many Health Benefits

  Leaf kebikan kebo

Leaf kebikan kebo is a kind of leaf of weeds that are found in many fields, gardens, or fields that are no longer worked. This grass has many titles, other areas are also mention of it. Jakarta people call it suket kebo, while in Halmaher, this leaf is called sosononga. Leaves of this one is not only famous in Indonesia, but also has penetrated in the Philippines as a herbal leaf to cope with dengue fever.
Leaf kebikan kebo has a characteristic with the plant that spreads to reach a height of 25 cm. The leaves are small green and slightly wide. The stems are purple-brown. If you break the trunk, then you will find a white sap with a watery texture. Leaves kebo leaves contain tannin compounds, glucose, forbatic acid, melicic acid, jambulol, sterols, glicosida, flavonoid, and eufosterol.
In order not to misunderstand the benefits and properties of leaves kebikan kebo, we give details of some of the usefulness of this leaf for your health. Here is the information:

1. Smooth Urinary Tract

Efficacy leaves kebikan kebo for the first health that is launched the urinary tract. In addition to difficult bowel movements, other diseases that often attack is difficulty in urination. You can try the efficacy of this leaf to nourish the urinary tract.

2. Anti Inflammation

The properties of leaves kebikan kebo as anti-inflammatory serves as a leaf or natural ingredients in overcoming inflammation. The inflamed part of the body can be quite painful. Therefore, you can reduce the pain by using this leaf.

3. Cough medicine

Efficacy of leaves kebikan kebo as herbal medicine able to overcome cough, whether it cough with phlegm or not sputum. The compound content in this leaf will actively relieve the throat and release phlegm.

4. Relieves Itching On The Skin

Benefits of leaf patikan kebo for the skin can be used as a topical medication for itchy skin. Itching of the skin can be caused by several things, ranging from allergies to insect bites. Use this special leaf on your skin that itches.

5. Stop Bleeding

Efficacy of leaves kebikan kebo important enough as a leaf that is able to stop the bleeding. This leaf is useful to hold the continuous blood out of the wound as well as from the symptoms of nosebleeds on the nose.

6. Nourish the nerves

The benefits of potent kebo leaves for your nerves are healthy. This leaves will make your nervous system run normally and also not tense, so that your mood could be much better.

7. Treating Flu

Leaves kebo is also potent to overcome the flu. The content in this leaf has a compound that can repel the transmitted virus and cause flu. Try the benefits of this leaf with your regular every flu.

8. Inflammatory Bowel Medication

Inflammation of the body can also occur on the inside of the body, such as the intestines. Digestive organs of this one can often infected inflammation because its function is to process the food you eat. For that, you need to make healthy by trying this herbal leaf.

9. Overcoming Bronchitis Disease

Serious disease that can be handled by patikan kebo leaves is a disease of bronchitis. This one disease will attack the respiratory tract to your respiratory organs, the lungs. Before it's too late, prevent the disease with the efficacy of this leaf.

10. Relieves Throat

A dry, itchy throat will be very disturbing to you when talking or eating. Before you eat, you should try the water stew from the leaves patikan kebo to make your throat more fresh.

That's the benefits and properties of leaves kebikan kebikan for health that you need to know. May be useful to increase your knowledge in maintaining health by utilizing the health benefits kebikan kebo also. Healthy lifestyle will benefit you in the future, because health today is expensive. Good luck.


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