Knowing Your Health Conditions From Color Ear Wax

Knowing Your Health Conditions From Color Ear Wax
Earwax has protective functions and may indicate a person's health condition. And the color of earwax can indicate a person's health condition.

1. Gray
If earwax is gray with no other symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. Maybe just dust. The color of the excrement is usually experienced by residents living in cities with polluted air.

2. Ear with blood marks
If you see a trace of blood when cleaning the ears, this may indicate a perforated eardrum. In this case, your ear can get infected, which can cause otitis and consequently worsening your hearing.
If this is the case consult a doctor immediately.

3. Brown
If the discharge of the ear litter is excessive and the color is darker, this may indicate your body has experienced difficult times. That's the sign you have to spend a few days in a quiet and peaceful environment.

4. Black
If that happens only once, there is nothing to worry about. However, if your ears itch, and the itching becomes more severe, then you should visit a doctor because the black color of ear wax signifies a yeast infection.

5. White color
The white color of your earwax can signify the deficiencies of vitamins and micro-substances in your body, especially iron and copper. If like this, you should add nuts and oatmeal to your diet. It would not be bad either if taking vitamins as well.

6. Ears smell bad
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If there is a strong odor from your earwax, it may indicate an infection in your middle ear. Regardless of the smell, you may also hear a noise or feel your ears buzzing over time. If you have any of these symptoms, it's worth visiting the ENT doctor.

7. Liquid earwax
If your earwax has changed recently consistently, it may indicate the beginnings of an inflammatory process. If so, it's good to make an appointment with a specialist.

8. Dry earwax
Dry earwax indicates a lack of fat or no fat in your body. In addition, the reason could be dermatitis and other skin diseases, which can make your skin dry.

Well, that's a simple way to know your health condition. Please check, so you know how healthy your body is today. May be useful.


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