Besides Used As Natural Dyes, This Leaf Also Beneficial For Health
Besides Used As Natural Dyes, This Leaf Also Beneficial For Health
Leaves suji in the ears of many people may be a bit layman, because suji leaf is a rare duan. It's not easy for people to find it. Not all places sell suji leaves and not all places can be overgrown with suji leaves. The suji leaves are the leaves of the annual herbaceous plant. Similar to pandanus leaf, suji leaves are used as natural food coloring. Unfortunately many people are wrong to tell which leaves suji and which ones are pandan leaves.
Differences Leaves Suji and Leaf Pandan
Many consider the leaves of suji are pandan leaves. Though the two leaves, although looks the same but different. Therefore it is necessary knowledge to distinguish where suji leaves and which are pandan leaves, before we know what are the benefits of suji leaf.
Leaf suji useful for health, but not everyone knows it. Therefore rarely suji leaves used to treat the illness suffered by someone. This makes people do not see the existence of suji leaves, when suffering from diseases that can be treated using suji leaves. Here are the various benefits of suji leaves to treat some health complaints:
1. Treating Dysentery
Dysentery can be treated using suji leaves. Saponin content in suji leaf useful to be able to treat dysentery. How to make suji leaf potion to treat dysentery, is the following:
- Rinse three pieces of suji leaves
- Boil using two glasses of clean water
- Leave boiled water halfway
- Strain and drink when cold
- A day should be taken twice a day and morning
2. Treat Beri Beri
Beriberi can be cured using suji leaves. Saponins are also useful for treating beriberi. How to manufacture the same ingredients as herbs to treat dysentery.
3. Relieves Menstrual Pain
Leaves suji can relieve pain during menstruation such as the benefits of betel leaf, especially menstruation during the first and second day. How to make suji leaf potion to relieve menstrual pain is as follows:
- Take 5 pieces of suji leaves and clean.
- Boil using 1 liter of water.
- Leave half of it. Drink during menstruation.
4. Overcoming Urine Difficulty
Purulent urine is a painful disease. Any urine that comes out will be accompanied by pus. Saponin substances in pandan leaves are also antiseptic. This property is also found in the benefits of galangal. This is what makes manfdaun suji can kill germs and diseases cause urine pussy. How to make a herbal concoction using suji leaves is as follows:
- Take 10 pieces of suji leaves.
- Clean with running water.
- Boil using one and a half liters of water.
- Leave half of it.
- Drink twice a day each two glasses each time drinking.
5. Eliminate a Bloody Cough
A bloody cough can be caused by an infection in a person's throat. Bloody cough can be treated using suji leaves. This is because in suji leaf contains alkaloid substances, so it can ease the infection in the throat. How to make a herb to treat a bloody cough is as follows:
- Take 15 pieces of suji leaves then cleaned.
- Pound the leaves until smooth.
- Brewed using half a glass of water that has been cooked.
- Squeeze the suji leaves along with the water.
- Drink boiled water.
Ingredients In Suji Leaves
Leaves suji useful for this health, not separated from the content contained in the leaves of the suji. Here are the various kinds of content in suji leaf:
- Saponin
- Alkaloids
- Tanin
- Polyphenols
- Flavonoids
Medically, suji leaves have a bitter taste, if squeezed smells fragrant and if consumed suji leaves it gives a sense of cold.
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