Benefits of alang alang root
In herbal medicine, reed plants are used as a powerful source of drugs. This plant multiplies by itself. At any time rhizomes can be harvested from plants that have grown. Characteristic of the roots used for pale herbs, sweet and cool taste.
Benefits of Reed Alang-Alang
Benefits of roots of reeds and how to cultivate them can be used to lower body temperature, expel urination. It is also used to stop bleeding, bleeding in the nose, vomiting blood, gonorrhea, hepatitis, and treatment of kidney infections. Plant roots taste sweet and cool, used as an antipuretic or decreased heat, diuretics or urinary peluruh, hemostatik or stop bleeding, treat stomach and small intestine.
Reed plants contain compounds mannitol, glucose, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, cylindrin. Also contains fernerol, simiarenol, anemonin, esin, alkali, saponin, tanninine, and polyphenols. As for the properties of the roots of the grass are:
- Used to soften skin, blood purifier, appetite enhancer, stop bleeding.
- Treatment of venereal diseases, such as gonorrhea or gonorrhea, blood urine, and lion kings.
- Treatment of kidney disease, wounds and fever, high blood pressure and neurological diseases.
- Reed plant leaves can be used as paper material, and treatment of ringworm.
- Cellulose leaves of alang-alang have excellent water absorption. So it can be used for the manufacture of tablets that can be printed directly manually.
Alang-Alang Root Side Effect
Benefits of the roots of the grass and how to cultivate it has been felt by some sufferers.
- The rhizome of reeds has a diuretic effect.
- Dosage of root of reeds of as much as 250 to 300 gr is given in the morning and evening, curing 27 cases from 30 sufferers of acute nephritis (damage to the renal glomerular part due to bacterial infection). For chronic Nephritis sufferers, alang-alang herbs can reduce edema and lower blood pressure.
- Dekokta (a liquid made by extracting vegetable material with water solvent) rhizome herbs as much as 250 grams can treat epistaksis (nosebleed), hemoptysis (coughing blood), hematuri (urine blood), menorrhagia, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
- Dekokta root of alang-alang is also effective for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis in 28 cases.
The side effects of roots of the grass include experiencing dizziness and nausea, and increased feeling of wanting to defecate. If the use is in accordance with the rules, the use of herbaceous root of alang-alang has no toxic effect. Benefits of roots of reeds have been done in traditional medicine, and the rules of use determine the healing of patients.
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