Guava for health
Mature guava is yellow
Guava is one of the most popular fruits in Indonesia and is very easy to find. Some important ingredients in guava such as minerals and vitamins are able to nourish your body. Even guava has a high vitamin C content.
Here are some of the benefits of guava for body health:
Guava is a fruit that can boost your immune system. Because cashews contain high vitamin C that can prevent your body from attacks of various diseases.
The content of lycopene in guava is useful as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevents tumor growth.
Because guava contains antioxidant substances namely flavonid and fitonutrien, then this fruit is effective to prevent cancer. High doses of vitamin C in it also useful to neutralize cancer-free radicals.
Guava has amazing benefits to keep blood pressure. Because guava contains potassium is beneficial to protect your body from external influences that can damage the health of blood pressure.
High content of antioxidants in guava is able to neutralize free radicals and prevent the occurrence of oxidative stress causes premature aging.
The fiber content in guava serves as a natural remedy for diabetics. Besides medically, this fruit is also proven to prevent spikes in sugar.
Guava contains vitamin A, an essential nutrient for improving skin health. This fruit is also useful for removing antioxidants that can make your skin look fresh again.
The content of vitamin A in guava once again able to prevent eye infections and eye diseases.
The content of lycopene in guava is very good in helping to improve digestive health.
Guava contains vitamin E, K, folate, niasain, manganese, copper, magnesium, and panthothenic acid which are all useful to increase the number of your red blood cells.
Guava fruit can be consumed directly, made juice, or put in other food mixtures. So you can consume it without fear of getting bored.
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