benefits of leaves dadap for health

Leaves dadap that has a Latin name erythrina variegata this most more functioned as crop divider that is in the yard. in fact leaves the terms of the content of useful this can treat many illnesses.
leaves dadap it has a nickname different in each area, the existence of a call as galala itam, dalungdung, rustle, dadap chicken, dadap sea, and many more as the other for this plant. leaves are used as a treatment dikarena there content that is able to treat a few of the disease.
content on leaves dadap

  • protein 
  • nitrogen 
  • erisofina 
  • hidrosianida 
  • eritrina 
  • hipaforin 
  • alkaloids 
  • aritramina and many other compounds
so much content that is in leaves dadap it then no wonder much use it for the treatment. and how to make it as a drug suffice it easy, there is a direct be used as fresh vegetables previously steamed first. or dioalah as usual with boil and take the water rebusannya.
how to make herbal remedy of leaves dadap ;
  • take the leaves dadap still fresh and young 
  • and that looks clean then you Wash up really clean 
  • prepare 2 to 3 cups of water 
  • and enter into a pan heating then enter also leaves already you clean
  • put the water to really boil and leaving only 1 glasses of water only
  • then pour in the glasses, and can also you mix it with rock candy or pure honey. because this leaves have a bitter taste, so it would be good to drink.
  • to consume at least 1 times a day good night or in the morning
  • or you can consultation first with experts herbal how much is allowed mengkosnumsinya, though minimal will side effects
in addition to boil leaves dadap and take the water stew to drink, leaves also you can though in different ways. for example must steamed first, to leaves look more wilted and matures. then you can eat it directly or make it as a fresh vegetables like vegetables in general.
with routine consume leaves dadap in accordance with the disease you suffer, undoubtedly the disease will quickly cured. because it leaves it has the efficacy of its own, and almost the same as the leaves of other be herbal medicine. and the following there are some disease mild to severe that can be treated using only the leaves dadap.
1. Fever-lowering drugs
When the immune system is lowered, it will be very susceptible to fever or heat. You can boil water boiled dadap leaves at night or before bed to lower body heat temperature.

2. Treat sore throat

Sore throat is usually caused by a flu virus attack, and you can also treat it by drinking boiled water leaf dadap. Content that has anti-inflammatory properties that exist in this leaf will be a pain in the throat.

3. treat headache

it would be better you switch consume leaves dadap when you have a headache. and herbal remedy this much better when compared with taking drugs generic that has a side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and others.

4. treat cough phlegm

cough accompanied sputum or mucus which is in respiratory and throat you can dilute with consume leaves dadap. at least a regular basis once to twice daily to relieve cough.

5. launched respiratory

there are some cause not smooth the respiratory system can be due to illness flu-like or are impaired respiratory. with drink boiled water or create a leaf dadap as fresh vegetables it will be launched back the respiratory system.

6. treat asthma

asthma can be caused by lifestyle unhealthy such as smoking, and can also because there abnormalities in the respiratory system or organs such as the lung. leaves dadap you make the drug in a way to boil and drink it can make respiratory back smoothly and gradually would treat asthma.

7. treat deworming

the disease is not only occur in kids just but adults were also has the potential worms. this is because the poor diet and the number of bacteria or worms that exist in the stomach. consuming boiled water leaves dadap it will kill worms that exist in the stomach.

8. overcome the trouble sleeping or insomnia

when you drink boiled water leaves dadap it will give effect to calm. and when you drink at night it will prevent insomnia or difficulty to sleep.

9. treat dysentery

this disease caused by infection on intestinal will eventually bleeding and mucus when bowel movements. and no other reason is many bacteria in the gut because lifestyle unhealthy. with drinking water stew leaves dadap will kill bacteria in the gut and treat infection that is in the large intestine.

10. treat uric acid

illnesses uric acid usually will also be accompanied by the swelling area certain body. you can use leaves dadap to drunk and you can soften then you apply on the members of your body swollen because of uric acid.

11. prevent swelling

swelling could be due to a variety of ways, could be because collision or due to illness certain finally came to pass the swelling. to prevent the swelling so as not to the greater you'll be able to soften the leaves dadap into a way mashing, and put it on the part of your body swollen, and repeat a few times a day.

12. treat rheumatism

the disease is indeed a lot in suffered by parents feel the pain and pain in the area joints bone. leaves dadap that has been softened by mashing, then you can put in the area joints sick. you can change the collision leaves such as much as 2 to 3 times a day.

13. launched menstrual

not a bit of women who often experience mentrual accompanied pain in breast or on the stomach. as well as the menstrual cycle that non-current or not in accordance with the date, can forward or vice versa. consuming leaves dadap it will reduce pain when menstrual and also helps launched periods.

14. troubleshooting stomach

quite a lot of disease in the stomach, can be as gastric acid high, nausea, mules, up to vomiting. consuming boiled water or made into fresh vegetables it will reduce pain in the stomach. you should consumption in the morning or at night bedtime.

15. as laxatives

with routine you drink boiled water or consuming to make the leaf dadap as fresh vegetables it will help bowel movements in addition to this leaves also serves as a laxative or cleanse you and eliminate all impurities in the stomach.
well, that is the benefits of leaves dadap rare we know.


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