Secrets of lemongrass are rarely known to many people

Secrets contained in lemongrass

In Indonesian society, the leaves of lemongrass are not unheard of to hear, often the leaves of lemongrass are seasoned for a variety of distinctive dishes.

That's because the spices of lemongrass cuisine will lead to the smell of acid-like lemon, which is useful for improving the taste of eating.

In addition to beneficial lemon grass for spices, as well as leaves and lemongrass boiling water provides a very important health benefits.

Even the lemongrass leaves are often made as herbal medicines because of the benefits of the ingredients in them.

the content of citronella is an important source of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (piridoksin), folate and vitamin C.

Then contained important minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc and iron.

It also contains antioxidants, flavonoids and phenolic compounds such as luteolin, glycosides, quercetin, kaempferol, eliminin, catecol, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid. Even lemon grass is anti-fungal and antimicrobial.

Here below are the various benefits of lemongrass which has the scientific name "Cymbopogon citratus" is.

1. Maintaining Digestive Health

Lemongrass boiled water is beneficial to maintain the health of the body's digestive system, it is because it contains anti-microbial substances that serve to fight and kill bad bacteria and parasites.

So that finally can keep the health and function of the intestine to stay good. This benefit is very important to prevent the occurrence of digestive problems such as diarrhea, nausea, ulcers, bloating, gastritis, constipation and others.

2. Against Bad Cholesterol

In the leaves of lemongrass contained anti-cholesterol is very important in preventing the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.

To overcome these high cholesterol problems then you are advised to consume lemongrass boiled water on a regular basis. The content in lemongrass works to minimize the absorption of bad cholesterol in the intestine.

Lemongrass also has properties as anti atesklerosis, which serves to cleanse and inhibit the formation of plaque in the blood vessels.

Benefits of the content in lemongrass is very important in avoiding the problem of fat accumulation and cholesterol in the body, thus avoiding the risk of coronary heart attack.

3. Lowering High Blood Pressure

Avoiding problems high blood pressure can be helped by consuming lemongrass boiling water, do it regularly, the properties will keep blood pressure to normal and stable, and make the blood circulation can run smoothly.

Lemongrass contains high potassium which is beneficial in overcoming the problem of unstable blood pressure in the body.

4. Overcoming Diabetes Disease

Diabetes is a condition of less optimal function of the pancreas in the body, so this condition trigger diabetes problems. Consumption of lemongrass boiled water can help to cure diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes.

Drinking lemongrass boiled water is routinely useful to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body, to prevent the occurrence of high sugar problems in the blood.

5. Helps Normalize or Lose Weight

The content in lemongrass can be efficacious to maximize the process of burning fat in the body. Eating lemongrass boiled water can smooth the process of bowel movements, it is good to prevent the occurrence of obesity in the body.

6. Helps Treat Anemia

Anemia disease occurs due to the body's iron deficiency. The symptoms are the body often feels weak, tired, lethargic, looks pale, headache easily, dizzy eyes, and semacanya.

Consuming lemongrass boiled water can help you to minimize the impact of anemia problem. That's because lemongrass plants have a fairly high iron content.

7. Lower Risk of Cancer

Efficacy is very important from consuming lemongrass is lower risk of cancer. Eating lemongrass brewed (boiled), contained within it is a citral compound. Typical scents such as lemon in lemongrass are believed to be a sitral compound.

This compound works to kill damaged cells trigger cancer in the body. Eating lemongrass stew can you do regularly (but not excessive), so the body can be more prevented from cancer.

8. Relieve Insomnia Symptoms

This problem of sleeping difficulties occurs due to various factors, such as alcohol, too much weight, etc.

Consuming lemongrass stew helps to minimize insomnia disorders. The content in lemongrass gives a calming effect on the body and mind, so this can help a lot to improve the quality of sleep.

9. Killing Bad Bacteria and Detoxification

The content of the substance inside the leaves of lemongrass has antiseptic properties. This antiseptic agent works in the body to kill bacteria of harmful microorganisms and also fungi, it is important in the process of detoxifying the body and clean the dirty blood.

10. Optimizing Disposal of Toxins from within the Body

By drinking lemongrass or lemongrass tea stew then helps to optimize the process of removing toxins from the body. In addition it will cleanse and nourish liver and kidney organ.

Well, so hopefully can provide health information for you. Good luck.


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