benefits of cassava leaves

Benefits of cassava leaves for daily life

            Cassava leaves

Vegetables that one is already familiar with the tongue of Indonesian people, especially those living in rural areas. Cassava crop itself is a lot and easy to get, that is why the cassava fruit itself or even the leaves, many used in the culinary treasures of the archipelago.
Here we will review the benefits of cassava leaves, closer.
Nutrient content
Nutritional content of cassava leaves is quite varied, as do other green vegetables, it also has a fairly high fiber content. Here are some high nutrient content in cassava leaves.
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin A, B1
  • Carbohydrate
  • Essential Amino Acids
  • Protein
Benefits of cassava leaves itself can we make referrals through its nutritional content, but has been circulating in the wider community that cassava leaves is very suitable for various treatments and complaints of disease. Some valuable nutrients, contain on cassava leaves such as vitamin B1, vitamin A, essential amino acids and carboydrates. This of course makes the benefits of cassava leaves very good when consumed as your daily menu.
1. Helps Metabolism Body
Cassava leaves are a very large source of vegetable protein, it is a type of vegetable protein that contains lots of B vitamins. Vitamin B is very necessary to build the body's cells that will form enzymes that help the body's metabolism. Humans continuously, in other words this cassava leaves help the process in the body.
2. As a Source of Energy
The content of various proteins or essential amino acids on cassava leaves is very helpful to provide useful energy for the human body. Essential amino acids on cassava leaves, helping to convert carbohydrates into energy that will be used by the body on the move.
3. Cassava Leaves As A Source Of Antioxidants
Cassava leaves is one source of excellent antioxidants to prevent and remove free radicals in the body. This free radical itself is one of the causes of various dangerous diseases such as cancer and in the field of beauty can cause premature aging.
4. The Formation and Regeneration of Body Cells
Essential amino acids contained in cassava leaves is one important source in maintaining and regenerating cells in the human body. Amino acids are proteins that can help in growing damaged cells and provide renewal of the cells in the body to keep functioning normally.
5. For Diet
Cassava Leaf It turns out also very well used for diet, fiber content and high protein in it is one of your daily healthy diet menu.
6. Good For Digestion
Almost everyone knows that vegetable fiber is very good for digestion so it can help nourish the human colon, as well as cassava leaves. Regular consumption of cassava leaves will also provide a good enough effect for our digestion.
7. Blood booster
Cassava leaves are potent blood-boosting vegetables that boost blood if you are anemic.

Cassava Leaf For Traditional Medicine

The most surprising of the efficacy of cassava leaves is its ability in fighting and as a remedy for disease complaints. Some diseases, believed to be handled by cassava leaves to reduce the suffering. These include:
  • Cures Diarrhea
Prescription treatment, take about seven pieces of cassava leaves then wash. Rebusalah cassava leaves with water as much as 800cc. Leave until the water is 400cc. Drink twice a day, as much as 200 cc per drink. Cassava leaves are believed to be quite effective in terms of helping to reduce diarrhea.
  • Treatment of rheumatic diseases
If you who like to get stiff after work, there could be symptoms of rheumatism in the body. Treatment solution, Prepare about 5 pieces of cassava leaves then mix the leaves of whiting and give a little water. Then squeeze until the concoction is destroyed and spread on the joint that feels shriveled. Use this three times a day.
Benefits of cassava leaves is very big role for the human body, especially for those of you who are exposed to anemia. May be useful.


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