Fan Dangers When Used While Sleeping

Fan Dangers When Used While Sleeping

Sleeping habits using a fan often we do because the condition of the canal temperature is very hot. Without us realize that sleeping habits use winds have a negative impact on health and also trigger the occurrence of various diseases.

For us to know together that the risk of death from exposure to wind is allegedly higher occur in older people and someone who has respiratory problems. Plus, this is triggered by the presence of victims in a closed room without ventilation.

Continuous use of the fan during sleep can trigger the following diseases:

1. Hyperthermia

Hyperthermia occurs when a person's body temperature is above normal, which is 36 ° C, and continues to be in that level for a long period of time. Conditions that are considered rare this can be triggered by certain health disorders, during a prolonged summer. Generally occurs in elderly people.

2. Asphyxia

Asphyxia is a condition of reduced oxygen supply when breathing in a long time. If not treated promptly, the condition may lead to coma or even death. Although there is a suspicion that the fan can cause asphyxia due to carbon dioxide poisoning and oxygen turnover, but this condition can only occur in closed rooms without ventilation.

3. Hypothermia

Hypothermia is an emergency condition that occurs when the condition of the body temperature is reduced drastically, ie less than 35 ° C. This occurs when the body loses heat faster than the body's ability to produce heat. This situation leads to body temperature down, as well as disruption of the nervous system, heart and other organs. If not treated immediately, hypothermia is generally caused by cold weather this can cause heart failure until death.

However, some factors may cause a person to die while sleeping with the fan on, arrhythmia, cerebrovascular disorders, and pulmonary embolism.

May be useful.


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